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How to Stop Radiators Whistling

When your radiator is making noises, it can become extremely annoying. But did you know that the noises it makes could be a sign that your system isn’t running as it should be?

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Why are my radiators whistling?

If your radiators are whistling, it is likely one of three things that could be causing it:

  • The water flow rate is too high: This is not something you can fix on your own, but you can try to turn the valve fully on to the highest setting to see if this fixes the problem. 
  • There is a limescale build-up: If you live in a hard water area, you will likely have a limescale build-up in your radiators. Limescale will usually build up in hotspots which will eventually lead to overheating.
  • The drain valve is open: The whistling noise could be caused by a drain valve being open. You can try turning the cap, and if it is open this can stop any whistling coming from your radiator.

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What does it mean when my radiator makes noises?

Sometimes, your radiator makes noises simply because the pipes are expanding from the heat of the water being forced through the pipes, which is completely normal and safe. 

However, there may be times when your radiator is making noises that will indicate something is wrong with it. The type of noise you hear will typically inform you whether or not the issue is serious. 


Are noisy radiators dangerous?

Noisy radiators aren’t usually anything to worry about, and they are usually easily fixed. 

However, if your radiator is making noises, it is usually a sign that your system isn’t running as efficiently as it could be. 

Since keeping your heating system energy efficient is one of the best ways to reduce your winter heating costs, it is always worth getting your noisy radiator checked over by a professional. 


What to do when your radiator is making noise?

If you can identify what type of noise your radiator is making, you will then be able to establish how to stop it. 


Clicking noises 

Clicking noises from your radiator is most likely caused by expansion of the metal after host water is flushed through it, and it is quite common. Similarly, when the radiator cools down, the metal will contract as the hot water cools. 

How to fix

It’s likely that you will hear these clicking noises when you first turn your heating on, but it doesn’t mean that your radiators are in danger of being destroyed. There is no need to worry about these noises unless your radiator continues clicking and changes sound.


Gurgling noises 

It is also very likely that you may hear gurgling noises in your radiator, which is caused by trapped air that needs to be released. These air bubbles can get trapped along with the water, and cause cold spots on your radiator.

How to fix

A quick fix for this problem is to bleed your radiators, which we recommend doing every year before you start turning your heating back on in the colder months. 

To bleed your radiator, turn off your heating, and then use a radiator key to loosen the valve on each radiator by slowly turning it anti-clockwise. You should be able to hear a hissing sound as the air escapes. You can then close the valve once the air has been released. 


Running water

Your radiator may be making a noise which sounds like running water, which can also be caused by air pockets. Although water is used to heat the radiator, you shouldnt be able to hear the water. 

How to fix

You may also solve this issue by bleeding your radiator to ensure all the air escapes. 


Banging noises

Banging noises can be caused by kettling, which is a build up of limescale in your central heating system, not the actual radiators themselves. Hard water areas can be prone to kettling.

How to fix

In some cases, this can be solved by draining your radiator to free up the trapped air and water. Ensure that the boiler and gas supply is turned off and that your radiators are cool. You should have some liquid released from the radiator which you can catch in a bowl. At this point, you can close the valve and turn everything back on. 

If the nagging noise persists, you may need to have your boiler power flushed to ensure all the limescale and grime is removed.

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Causes of noisy radiators

Radiators tend to be silent, so when they start to make noises, it can be concerning. Whatever room they’re based in, there are numerous reasons why your radiators may be making noises:

  • Air bubbles form naturally in radiators and can cause noises due to air getting trapped inside the piping. The radiators will begin to make clicking noises due to the movement of the heated water through the pipes. This water leaves air behind, which expands and collapses in your piping. 

  • Pipe warping. Radiator pipes can expand and contract due to the heat they’re exposed to. Whilst they only expand slightly, this can still make creaks and bangs which can be heard throughout your home. 

  • Boiler kettling is a serious boiler malfunction which can cause unsettling noises within the central heating system. It only really occurs within hard water areas, and tends to be quite rare. As limescale builds in the boiler, radiator pipes become blocked. As the steam produced cools down, it makes rumbling and banging noises. 


How to stop radiators from whistling

The most likely reason why your radiator is making whistling noises is probably because there is trapped air inside or the water flow rate is too high. 

In order to stop it whistling, first start by bleeding your radiator. If this is unsuccessful and your radiator continues to make whistling noises, try turning the radiator cap closed.

If this is still unsuccessful, you may require the help of professionals. 

At Lacey Plumbing and Heating, our team is well equipped to diagnose a wide range of radiator and boiler problems and make the necessary repairs to get your heating system back up and running as soon as possible.

Our office team is always happy to talk through the issues that you have in order to assess whether or not you need an engineer visit. Please give us a call with your issue and we’ll try our best to help.

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